Fuel Your Mind
Sharing insights, resources, tips and more for all things fitness and nutrition.
Kill Your Clone
Imagine this: Every night at midnight a clone of yourself comes to meet you. That clone is always a version of yourself from exactly 24 hours before. Every night at midnight you and your clone from 24 hours ago will fight to the death. What did you do today to kill your clone?
What happens when LIFE happens and throws a wrench into your schedule or plans? How do you KEEP GOING and stay consistent?
Habit change isn't typically desired to be temporary. The goal is to change them FOR LIFE, and to do that, it must be sustainable.
Do it for you.
You’re tired of trying workouts or diets that don’t stick or don’t work. You want to build sustainable habits for a healthier lifestyle for LIFE. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.