
You decided to hire a coach.  Why?  Everyone comes to coaching for different reasons, but the common thread is that you want to change habits.  For some, it's starting strength training, for others it's eating healthier or getting more consistent.  Habit change isn't typically desired to be temporary.  The goal is to change them FOR LIFE, and to do that, it must be sustainable. This means not tackling too much too soon.  Often clients tell me they want to start strength training, add in more cardio, track their foods, lose 30 pounds, and feel more energy... all by their sister's wedding date, or their next vacation, or (insert restricted timeline here).  That person is almost certain to fail at all of those goals.  I encourage them instead to think of the BIGGER PICTURE.  What can you realistically do (while doing all the rest of the things life requires you to do) that you can sustain beyond this limited timeline?  Even if you do accomplish XY and Z by your next vacation, THEN WHAT?  What comes next?  Can you keep doing all the things forever?  Most likely, the person instead resorts back to previous habits, those drastic efforts are lost, and then they're back to starting it all over again before the next vacation.  Nobody wants to get trapped in this cycle, and yet it's so common. The reason it's so common is that it's easy to make changes temporarily... but it's very, very challenging to sustain them long-term. Starting small and knowing what's realistic for you and your lifestyle are keys to success!

- Related resources:

  • Podcast:  Mind Over Macros, episode #291 dated April 18, 2022 titled “The Key to Sustainable Results” (start around minute 10)

  • Podcast:  Mind Over Macros, episode #327 dated August 22, 2022 titled “Practice Makes Permanent” (start around minute 20)

  • James Clear's book Atomic Habits

- Question for you to ponder:  What is ONE habit that you want to change or create that you can sustain for life?  And what will you do this week to start or continue working toward this goal? 

Keep crushing your week!

