
One of the hardest parts in any fitness or nutrition journey is keeping at it for the long haul.  You've started building healthier habits, which is a feat of its own.  You've found a groove, you're working out regularly and your nutrition is in check.  YAY!  Now what happens when LIFE happens and throws a wrench into your schedule or plans?  How do you KEEP GOING and stay consistent?  

Here are two tips for keeping it consistent:

- PLAN AHEAD.  If you know you've got vacation coming up, or a work travel trip, or a family member will be staying with you for a week, whatever it is... think ahead.  What are some things you can put in place now to help yourself then?  Some examples for how to plan ahead include: purchase nutritious, protein-packed snacks to take with you on the plane or road trip, pack resistance bands for your trip so you can workout even when you don't have access to dumbbells (I can share a bands-only workout!), buy groceries and plan to prepare most of your meals yourself while still enjoying occasional dining out with loved ones, and plan time to take walks so you can ensure you get in plenty of steps/movement for the day.

- GET RIGHT BACK TO IT:  If you have a day or two or five that are out of your normal routine, get right back into your usual routine as soon as you can.  Hot take:  This is the NUMBER ONE way to stay successful at your fitness and nutrition efforts.  Don't let one off-track day spiral into a whole week... once you are able to, get right back at it.  We can't avoid life's little bumps and surprises, but you are in full control of how you handle them.  Ride the wave, then hop right back into working toward your goals as soon as you can.  This will keep you consistent for the long haul.

- Personal story time:  I was *crushing* my fitness and nutrition goals in 2021 when, like a ton of bricks, life hit HARD when I learned that my partner Jake was diagnosed with leukemia.  He was my hiking and biking buddy and was super healthy... until he wasn't.  My schedule was upended, spending every day for many months at the hospital with Jake and serving as his primary caregiver.  Staying consistent with my workouts and nutrition just wasn't a top priority... and that's OK!  I was eating a ton of meals at the hospital or ordering carryout food, just trying to survive day to day.  I kept doing what I could, and that was key to me not totally falling off-track.  I kept up with my workouts.  They became the one hour a day that I devoted to ME, and I came to LOVE that hour to myself.  It kept me going.  Once I started settling into the "new normal" routine as a caregiver, I refocused on nutrition.  I ordered a meal delivery service (Mighty Meals) so that I always had fresh, nutritious food that I didn't have to cook.  I did what I could, and when life calmed and allowed, I got back into my usual routine.  It wasn't easy (it still isn't--I'm at the hospital with Jake currently!), but reflecting back on that time now... I am so grateful that I kept up with my workouts for ME!  I stayed consistent when nobody expected me to.  I'm proud of that!  YOU can stay consistent, too!

- Additional resources if you want to dive further into this topic:

  • Podcast:  EmPowered Radio, episode #49 from June 17, 2022, titled “Consistency + Progress… 5 Tips for Being More Consistent With Your Diet”

  • "EmPowered Radio" episode from September 3, 2021 titled "Is The Weekend Your Weak End?? How To Stop Stalling Your Progress"

- Question for you to ponder: Think about your next planned event that will bump you from your usual routine. What can you do NOW to ensure that bump doesn't become a tsunami? What can you put into place this week to help you stay consistent during that time?


Kill Your Clone

