Kill Your Clone

Imagine this: Every night at midnight a clone of yourself comes to meet you. That clone is always a version of yourself from exactly 24 hours before. Every night at midnight you and your clone from 24 hours ago will fight to the death. What did you do today to kill your clone?

Sound a little grim? Perhaps, but the idea is that every day, we should be doing something of body or mind to help us kill our clone from the day prior... small, tiny incremental changes to get a little better each day. I love this concept!

I first heard this mindset philosophy on a favorite podcast of mine called American Glutton, hosted by Ethan Suplee. He interviews Tom Kier, a tactical training expert, about the importance of training the mind as well as the body. Maybe it's a workout to get stronger, reading to get smarter, meditation to become more at peace, or eating foods that fuel your body. I love this mindset and think of it often... what am I doing today to kill my clone?

Additional resources:

  • American Glutton podcast episode dated February 5, 2020 titled "Tom Kier, Tactical Training Expert"

  • Follow-up episode from the one above: American Glutton podcast episode dated July 1, 2020 titled "Kill Your Clone with Tom Kier"

  • Article that discusses this idea:

Question for you to ponder: What will you do today to kill your clone?


The All-or-Nothing Mindset

