Maintaining Consistency on Weekends

One of the most common frustrations I hear from nutrition clients is, "I stuck to my goals all week, but I blew it over the weekend." Been there? Done that? It's super common... but it doesn't have to be your routine each week. Attached is a graphic showing how overly indulging on your weekends can squander the progress you made during the week. Here are some tips regarding maintaining consistency with your wellness goals on the weekends:

  • Plan ahead. Ensure your kitchen is stocked with nutritious options before the weekend strikes. If you're dining out over the weekend, review the menu ahead of time and decide now what you'll order (and stick to it!). You're more likely to make healthful choices when you're not in the moment and not hungry.

  • Set boundaries. Decide now what you'll absolutely adhere to this weekend. Maybe it's meeting your step goal each day, enjoying nutritious breakfasts at home, or limiting alcohol consumption. Having some "wins" throughout your weekend will help break the dichotomy of "focused during the week" and "wild on the weekends."

  • Socialize with activity rather than food. Weekends are typically when we spend time with friends and family, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean meals at a restaurant. Suggest a walk with a friend to chat and catch up, or sign up for a workout class with a family member. Food is often a primary feature of social activities, but it doesn't have to be. Spend time with your loved ones doing things, rather than eating things!

  • Don't overly restrict during the week. If you're overly restricting your consumption during the week, you're more likely to get that "screw it" mentality on the weekend and go bananas with indulgences. Integrate foods you enjoy during the week in moderation and you'll be better equipped for impulse control when you're around indulgent foods.

How will you set yourself up for consistency success this weekend?


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