How to Quiet the Food Noise

What is "food noise?"

Food noise is a distracting preoccupation with food that can result in an unhealthy relationship with food. Have you ever found yourself eating a meal and already thinking about the next meal?  Or thinking about a food so intensely that you can't stop thinking about it until satisfying that craving itch? That's food noise. Not everyone experiences this, but for those who do, it can make eating healthier extra challenging. I personally struggle with this.

What causes food noise?

Researchers are still digging up information on this, but some factors have been identified, such as past extreme dieting behavior, emotional eating tendencies, and an improper balance of the gut hormones that regulate appetite.

How to reduce food noise naturally:

The semaglutide/GLP-1 medications (such as Ozempic and Wegovy) that are abuzz currently have brought the food noise concept to light, as many people on these medications report that their food noise is reduced or eliminated as a result of the medications. However, there are a few strategies to quiet the food noise naturally and without medications:

  • Keep a food journal - When you hear the food noise get louder, write down how you're feeling, where you're at, and bring attention to what may be contributing to that noise.

  • Plan your meals - Plan your meals ahead of time so you already know what you're eating today for each meal, which helps to eliminate impulse decisions and overeating.

  • Reduce temptations - If you know that certain foods cause intense cravings, don't keep them in your house, or package the foods into individual servings so you can easily portion them out.

  • Avoid over-restriction - Totally eliminating a food from your life can make some people overly fixate on that food. Try integrating that food in moderation.  For example, if you know you love donuts, then enjoy a donut once per week rather than telling yourself you can never have donuts. It can make donuts feel more accessible, and therefore less tempting/crave-worthy.

Ultimately, everyone's experience with food noise is different. Try the strategies listed above and adjust them so they work for you. There's no easy solution, but over time, the food noise can quiet down.


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